At Petteril Bank School, we strive to nurture the love of reading in every child through our reading rich curriculum, quality reading resources and stimulating environments. We aim to provide:

  • All children with the skills and strategies to read with confidence, fluency and understanding.
  • Create a positive reading culture where children enjoy reading, want to read regularly and discuss their reading.
  • Encourage reading outside the classroom through forging strong links with home including the Strive for Five programme.
  • Establish a love of books where children choose to read for pleasure.

Our children take part in reading sessions daily through using the Read Write Inc scheme in KS1 and exposure to high quality texts and develop their reading comprehension skills through the VIPERS approach in KS2.

Strive for 5 is a weekly reading challenge that is set across School to encourage pupils to develop a regular schedule of reading outside of school. Teachers will check reading records in order to move children along the Strive for Five chart.

Every individual child has a school reading book that is book banded to match their reading ability. Children change their books when they have finished them. There are a range of fiction books in each book band and we are continually develop the range of non fiction texts and poetry books. We have a huge collection of books to match the interests of children. As a child’s reading improves they move through the book bands. The books children have read are logged in reading records.

Reading overview