The Behaviour for Learning policy for every CET school is integral to delivering a high-quality educational experience for all students. Leading, supporting, encouraging and guiding our students to become respectful, responsible and resilient students is underpinned by a positive behaviour for learning principle. One that fosters a sense of belonging, instills self-discipline and ultimately develops a future generation to be proud of.

At PB school we are committed to a culture of positive behaviour, acceptance of diversity and mutual respect.

We believe positive behaviour for learning will develop when students are aware of their behaviour, own their behaviour and maintain a mutual respectful working relationship with their peers and staff.

Behaviour Aims

  • To ensure that there is a shared understanding of the philosophy and principles that underpin behaviour expectations across all CET schools.
  • To articulate and communicate the values, rights and responsibilities that underpin the development of relationships within all our schools.
  • To support the building, maintaining and repairing of successful and positive learning relationships across all school communities.
  • To support our holistic approach to School life that includes the development of character and well rounded citizens who will contribute to society in a responsible, resilient and respectful manner.

Behaviour for learning at Petteril Bank is based on our agreed trust values and learning behaviours of: 


  • Use good manners.
  • Actively listen and respond positively.
  • Value difference.


  • Self-regulate.
  • Attend, be on time and engage.
  • Create a calm and organised environment.


  • Seek help and accept support.
  • Have courage, encourage others.
  • Learn from mistakes.