At Petteril Bank School we use the Jigsaw PSHE scheme which is a whole school approach with weekly lessons and assembly themes. Jigsaw perfectly connects the pieces of personal, social, health and well being education.


There are 6 themes:-

  1. Being Me in My World

This unit focuses on Self-Identity, Group Identity, Responsibilities, Consequences and Teamwork


  1. Celebrating Difference

Includes lessons on Similarity & Difference, Bullying, Stereotyping, Racism, Discrimination and Celebrating Differences and Individuality.


  1. Dreams and Goals

Includes lessons on Aspirations, Goals, Challenges, Teamwork, Resilience, Jobs and Careers and Simple Budgeting.


  1. Healthy Me.

Includes lessons on Drugs and Alcohol Education, Self-Esteem and Confidence as well as Healthy Lifestyle choices.


  1. Relationships

Includes lessons on Friendship, Family and other Relationships, Conflict Resolution, Communication, Loss and Bereavement.


  1. Changing Me

Includes lessons on Coping Positively with Change, Puberty, Environmental and Life Cycles (includes Human Reproduction).