CET Progression of Skills - PSHE
At Petteril Bank School we use the Jigsaw PSHE scheme which is a whole school approach with weekly lessons and assembly themes. Jigsaw perfectly connects the pieces of personal, social, health and well being education.
There are 6 themes:-
- Being Me in My World
This unit focuses on Self-Identity, Group Identity, Responsibilities, Consequences and Teamwork
- Celebrating Difference
Includes lessons on Similarity & Difference, Bullying, Stereotyping, Racism, Discrimination and Celebrating Differences and Individuality.
- Dreams and Goals
Includes lessons on Aspirations, Goals, Challenges, Teamwork, Resilience, Jobs and Careers and Simple Budgeting.
- Healthy Me.
Includes lessons on Drugs and Alcohol Education, Self-Esteem and Confidence as well as Healthy Lifestyle choices.
- Relationships
Includes lessons on Friendship, Family and other Relationships, Conflict Resolution, Communication, Loss and Bereavement.
- Changing Me
Includes lessons on Coping Positively with Change, Puberty, Environmental and Life Cycles (includes Human Reproduction).